Unable to Access the Internet? ViewTurbo Environment Troubleshooting (Windows)
For users to check the local environment or network problem1. eset antivirus software is installed locally?
Because eset kills the ViewTurbo network unexpectedly, it needs to be manually excluded from eset.
- Go to Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Network Protection -> Web Protection -> Excluded Applications.
- Select ViewTurbo.exe and ViewTurboCore.exe to exclude them.
2. Do you have a lot of Chrome plug-ins installed?
If you find that the browser cannot access the internet normally, try opening it in Guest Mode.
If the issue is resolved in Guest Mode, it's likely caused by one of your browser plug-ins.
Please check and identify which plug-in is affecting your browser's behavior.
3. UWP application has no network connection? (Including Weather, Microsoft Store, etc.)
- Run cmd.exe with administrator permissions.
- Execute the following command:
For /f "tokens = 11 delims = \" %p in ('regs of query "HKCU \ Software \ Classes \ LOCAL Iner \ MAPPINGS "') Do Checknetisolation.exe LoopBackexEMPT -A- p =%P
4. Telegram cannot be used?
To use Telegram, you need to configure the SOCKS5 proxy:
- Set the proxy address to and the port to 15733.
- Apply the settings in Telegram.
- If the connection status does not update or remains disconnected, completely exit Telegram and restart it.
This should resolve the connection issue in most cases.
5. Never resolved?
If none of the above solutions work, it is recommended to back up your data and reset the Windows system.
Your current environment might have overly complex or conflicting configurations that cannot be resolved through standard troubleshooting.