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2024-03-04 23:12

How to use ViewTurbo on CLI?

As long as your device has a terminal and can execute basic commands such as Ping, you can use ViewTurbo.



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Copy the command and execute the installation

On the download page, copy the script and go to your target machine to run, execute the command after the installation is completed


The prerequisite is that you have already downloaded ViewTurboCore. 
use sudo bash -c "$(curl -ksSL"

Welcome to viewturbo

Register account


users can also be registered according to the address prompts on the client.

Login success

After entering the user name and password, you will see the basic user message, including:

  1. Email: The email address you registered.
  2. Expiration: Account maturity date.
  3. Remaining Traffic: Remaining traffic
  4. Running Status: The current proxy state.
  5. System Proxy: Whether to enable the proxy program of the system range.
  6. git proxy: Git is the agent.
  7. Proxy Mode: The proxy mode (preset is AI agent).You can select other modes below Settings -> Select Proxy Mode.
  8. Location: The country/region you choose to optimize network access.
  9. Config Directory: You can specify the network domain to be agent, bypass or blockage in the setting file.
  10. Environment variables: Copy these applications for the agent commands in the console.

When using the console for the first time, try to guide the key to press ↑ ↓ arrow keys > symbols will indicate the current selection, such as Start. Press to Stop, and then stop the proxy program press Enter.


When using ViewTurbo for the first time, select your country and region to adjust the agency setting according to your current network status.Use ↑ ↓ key to guide or type the name of the country/region, and then press Enter.Viewturbo will automatically restart to apply these settings.

If you move to other countries/regions, go to Settings -> Select Current Location to update your location settings.

Test proxy whether it is valid


The ping instruction is not represented. We recommend using the curl command for testing. To set the console agent, please use:

# set proxy environment
export http_proxy= https_proxy=

# get current IP
curl -v -l  

# check google
curl -V -L

further exploration

viewturbocore -help

to access help information:

  1. -status: View the current status of viewturbocore.
  2. -stop: Stop the proxy.


There are many possibilities using the console version. For example, consider writing a startup script!

Local monitoring

The network traffic analysis tool of the console version is very different from the GUI version.You need to manually set the network domain in the Config directory in the program.Editor user_block, user_local, user_proxy file.

  1. sys_proxy: based on system configuration -> proxy domain name.
  2. sys_local: Based on the system configuration -> address domain name.
  3. ai_proxy: Based on AI recognition -> proxy domain name.
  4. ai_local: Based on AI recognition -> regional name.
  5. user_proxy: Based on user configuration -> proxy domain name.
  6. user_local: Based on user configuration -> regional name.
  7. user_block: Based on user configuration -> shield domain name.

Configuration file

viewturbocore -status

The configuration file directory will be printed in it, and we allow users to open the configuration directory

  1. config.ini: The conventional settings of ViewTurbo, User operation not allowed.
  2. country.mmdb: The GEOIP database used for automatic proxy based on position, User operation not allowed.
  3. sys_local.txt and sys_proxy.txt: encrypted files containing basic systems and proxy server information User operation not allowed.
  4. user_block.txt: Specify the network domain to block the proxy program, Users are allowed to operate.
  5. user_local.txt: Specify the network domain accepted through the Internet, bypassing the agency program Users are allowed to operate.
  6. user_proxy.txt: Specify the network domain of the proxy route Users are allowed to operate.


If you want to process files like user_*.txt and use regular expressions to extract or input domain names

ViewTurbo uses private line network

Time: 2024-03-04 23:12

Author: ViewTurbo Team

Read Count: 0

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